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Bio-Zyme Industrial

Bio-Zyme Industrial


Available in: 1 Litre, 5 Litres, 20 Litres, 200 Litres and 1000 Litres

Bio-Zyme Industrial is a New Zealand manufactured environmentally-preferable and readily biodegradable cleaner and user-friendly degreaser and deodoriser.

It is the safer and healthier alternative to toxic cleaners, solvents, caustics and bleaches.


Bio-Zyme is a naturally fermented enzyme product made from naturally sourced ingredients. It has a very low impact on the environment and is non-hazardous & non-corrosive.

Bio-Zyme Industrial is a degreaser/cleaner, proven to break down suspended solids, fats, oils and grease.

Enhances and conditions contents of any waste system. Recommended for use in RH King Grease Converters, MacTrap Systems and Clenz Systems.



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